Psalm 9

Psalm 9

Views 0 1 I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. 2 In you I will rejoice and be glad; I will sing praises to your name, O Most High; 3 for my enemies have turned back; they have stumbled and perished before your face. 4 For you have defended my right and my cause; you have sat...

Psalm 8

Psalm 8

Visualizações 2 1 Senhor, nosso Senhor, como é majestoso o teu nome em toda a terra! Tu, cuja glória é cantada nos céus. 2 Dos lábios das crianças e dos recém-nascidos firmaste o teu nome como fortaleza, por causa dos teus adversários, para silenciar o inimigo e o vingativo. 3 Quando contemplo os teus céus,…

Psalm 7

Psalm 7

Views 1 1 Lord my God, I take refuge in you; save me and deliver me from all who persecute me, 2 lest they tear me like lions and tear me to pieces, and no one deliver me. 3 Lord, my God, if I have done this, if injustice has been in my hands, 4 if I have wronged one...