LATE with your 2024 tax return? See what to do NOW!

LATE with your 2024 tax return? See what to do NOW!

Visualizações 0 ATRASOU na Declaração de IR 2024? Veja o que fazer AGORA!: O fechamento do período de declaração do Imposto de Renda 2024, às 23h59 desta sexta-feira (31), trouxe consigo um alerta para os contribuintes que não conseguiram cumprir com a obrigação dentro do prazo estipulado. Contudo, ainda há alternativas para aqueles que se…

Shocking revelation: Slaves wrote crucial parts of the Bible

Shocking revelation: Slaves wrote crucial parts of the Bible

Views 10 30 May 2024 Shocking Revelation: Slaves Wrote Crucial Parts of the Bible: A new book released in the United States this year presents a surprising argument to many readers of the Bible: enslaved people played a crucial but under-recognized role in the creation and dissemination of the New Testament. In "God's Ghostwriters: Enslaved Christians and the Making...

Religion and Controversy: When Does Life Begin? Abortion and Contraceptives

Religion and Controversy: When Does Life Begin? Abortion and Contraceptives

Views 0 May 28, 2024 Religion and Controversy: When Does Life Begin? Abortion and contraceptives: The question of the beginning of life is a topic that mixes philosophy and science and has been debated since the dawn of humanity. Does life begin at conception, at birth, or at some point in between? With the introduction of religion...

Revealed: Dark Secret of the Jewish Cemeteries Finally Unveiled!

Revealed: Dark Secret of the Jewish Cemeteries Finally Unveiled!

Views 6 May 28, 2024 Revealed: Dark Secret of Jewish Cemeteries Finally Unraveled: The family of psychologist Iara Iavelberg, who died in 1971 during the military dictatorship, faced a long battle to remove her from the "suicide ward" of the Butantã Israeli Cemetery in São Paulo. The official version of the dictatorship claimed...