What does the Bible say about cherubs?
Find out what the Bible says about cherubim, the heavenly beings who guard God's throne. Learn about their appearance, functions and importance in the Holy Scriptures
Find out what the Bible says about cherubim, the heavenly beings who guard God's throne. Learn about their appearance, functions and importance in the Holy Scriptures
Visualizações 4 A importância do Êxodo na história do povo judeu: uma análise profunda: O Êxodo, narrado no Livro do Êxodo da Bíblia, marca o ponto de partida da história do povo judeu. Após séculos de opressão e escravidão no Egito, os israelitas finalmente encontraram a oportunidade de se libertar do jugo faraônico. Essa jornada…
Find out all about Angels, celestial beings who protect and guide humanity. Learn about their hierarchies, symbolism and how they can influence your spiritual life.
Discover who Pontius Pilate was, the Roman governor who tried Jesus Christ. Learn about his history, role in the Roman Empire and influence on biblical events
Discover the meaning of Christmas for religions and understand how different faiths celebrate this special date. Learn about the traditions and symbols of each faith
Discover the hierarchy of angels and understand how celestial beings are organized into nine different choirs, each with their own specific divine functions