Unraveling the Plagues of Egypt: Faith, Miracles and the Fall of Pharaoh
Explore o significado das Pragas do Egito e como a fé levou à queda do Faraó, uma verdadeira manifestação do Poder de Deus.
Explore the pages of Exodus and immerse yourself in the fascinating journey of the people of Israel from oppression to freedom. Explore the remarkable events, inspiring characters and timeless lessons of this epic biblical book.
Explore o significado das Pragas do Egito e como a fé levou à queda do Faraó, uma verdadeira manifestação do Poder de Deus.
Discover the saga of Moses, the leader chosen to free the People of Israel from Egyptian slavery and lead them to the Promised Land.
Explore the evolution of the divine dwelling in its sacred journey, from the Tabernacle to the Church, and its relationship to worship and communion.
Discover the power of Manna from Heaven: Divine Provision in the Desert, the heavenly food that symbolizes faith and divine love on your journey.
Embark on Exodus: From Slavery to the Promised Land - A Journey of Faith and discover the fascinating story of the Hebrew people's courage and hope.
If you're a Christian, you've probably heard of the biblical story of Moses and Pharaoh, and the plagues that God sent to Egypt to free His people from slavery. The second plague, in Exodus 8, drew attention because of the invasion of frogs that took over the land and the Egyptians' homes, causing discomfort and...