Post-Flood Hope: Genesis 8 Quiz

<a href="" title="Learn more about Quiz">Quiz</a> <a href="" title="Learn more about Genesis 8">Genesis 8</a> - The End of <a href="" title="Learn more about Flood">Flood</a>

Quiz on Genesis 8

1) On which mountain did the ark rest?

A) Sinai
B) Ararate
C) Everest
D) Carmelo

2. How many times did Noah release the dove?

A) 1 time
B) 2 times
C) 3 times
D) 7 times

3. What did the dove bring the second time?

A) A stone
B) Nothing
C) An olive leaf
D) An insect

4. How long did it take for the water to subside completely?

A) 40 days
B) 100 days
C) 1 year
D) 150 days

5. What was the first bird released by Noah?

A) Dove
B) Corvo
C) Eagle
D) Sparrow

6. What did Noah build when he left the ark?

A) A house
B) An altar
C) A city
D) A temple

7. What was God's response to Noah's sacrifice?

A) He sent fire
B) Prometheus promised not to curse the earth
C) Gave new laws
D) He only blessed his family

8. What new order did God give about the seasons?

A) They would be warmer
B) Established regular cycles
C) Eliminated winter
D) Created new stations

9. How many days did Noah wait after seeing the dry land?

A) 7 days
B) 40 days
C) 57 days
D) 100 days

10. What was God's first command when they left the ark?

A) Building a city
B) Multiply and fill the earth
C) Fasting for 40 days
D) Planting a vineyard

🏆 Final Score: 0/10

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